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October 30, 2019

News You Need - 3 Big Little Things from HealthXL - November 2019

Chandana Fitzgerald

It’s time for your monthly digital health news dose. We have looked back at three of the most noteworthy new stories from the last month and distilled what they mean for the industry and the key takeaways you should have on your radar. Interested in getting beyond the headlines? We’ve included three industry experts who can help you get behind these stories - just let us know if you’d like us to make the introduction!

1: Sandoz - Pear Therapeutics go their own separate ways

Story snapshot: Sandoz and Pear Therapeutics break up. Novartis' unit Sandoz teamed up in 2018 with Pear Therapeutics, one of the pioneers in launching a prescription digital therapeutic for substance use disorder, to potentially bring a new type of therapy to market. While Pear's reSET and reSET-O are FDA approved and have evidence of efficacy, perhaps that is not enough to enable Sandoz to help commercialize the solutions. Our recent report assesses the digital activities of the top 10 Pharma, and we have identified that Digital Therapeutics is the top area of partnership activity by big pharma. So, this announcement may shake things up a bit. 

Why is it notable? Pioneers may not always pave the way

Industry Implications - DTx enabling platforms, new business models

Brian Harris
Brian Harris
Co-Founder & CEO
MedRhythms, Inc.

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2: Amazon just acquired digital health technology company Health Navigator, and it will join the company's Amazon Care group.

Story snapshot: Amazon has acquired Health Navigator, a startup that develops APIs for online health services. Health Navigator will become part of Amazon Care, it’s pilot healthcare service program for employees (Pill Pack is part of this already). 

Why is it notable? It’s Amazon! 

Industry Implications - Nothing major just yet 

Jim Joyce
Jim Joyce

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3: MC10, Inc. announces a collaboration with the University of Rochester to develop novel digital biomarkers for the Central Nervous System.

Story snapshot: Massachusetts company MC10 does biometric-sensor-enabled analytics and has been quite active in collecting biomarkers for neurological conditions. The collaboration will utilize the BioStamp nPoint system to collect continuous data allowing for the creation of algorithms to provide a quantitative assessment of disease progression, specifically for movement disorders.

Why is it notable? Fills a knowledge void in the objective assessment of movement disorders 


Industry Implications - Potential new treatments for debilitating neuromuscular diseases

Ray Dorsey
Ray Dorsey
Center for Health + Technology, University of Rochester Medical Center

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Beliefs that are Holding Digital Health Back

Please bear with us. This meeting is under construction, details will follow shortly.
9th May 2024 @ 11am ET

Digital Pain Management: Does it Work?

In today's healthcare landscape, effective pain management is a cornerstone of patient care, with millions worldwide seeking relief from acute and chronic pain.
Siva Nadarajah
Siva Nadarajah
Co-Founder & President, JOGO Health
14th May 2024 @ 11am ET

Lessons in Therapy: What Diabetes Can Teach Other Chronic Diseases

As digital health continues its transformative journey, the experiences gained in diabetes management can serve as a guiding light for broader applications
Jochen Hurlebaus
Jochen Hurlebaus
Head of Innovation & IP, Roche Diagnostics
15th May 2024 @ 11am ET

Multi-Condition SaMD: Regulatory Requirements and Future Implications

Obtaining SaMD approval is no easy task, as it requires rigorous evidence generation and efficacy demonstration to ensure patient safety and usability.

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Static and dynamic content editing

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